The accelerating expansion of the Universe, first observed in 1998, remains one of the most profound mysteries in modern ...
On March 15, 2024, a space-based observatory detected bursts of low-energy X-rays from deep in the ancient universe, ...
Einstein’s big idea was the strange concept of space-time - the notion that space and time are woven together, and become distorted by objects with mass. Ten years before general relativity ...
The science that was repulsive to an idea of religious belief thus began to embrace religious ideas culminating with the ...
Scientists used the most massive fundamental particles to break special relativity, but even that didn’t work.
Said Dr. Einstein gently: “Bah! I will speak to 400—no more. No more would understand.” His subject: “A Simple Proof of the Equivalence of Mass and Energy.” As curtain time drew near ...
Researchers at the Large Hadron Collider tested whether top quarks, the most massive known elementary particles, comply with ...
Einstein Probe's Wide-field X-ray Telescope (WXT) detected a burst of low-energy X-rays. Astronomers call such X-rays "soft," ...
“Indeed, prior to Mr. Safra pledging the Einstein Letters under the Agreements, Christie’s had approached Mr. Safra on multiple occasions to sell the letters. Mr. Safra declined each time.