Towards the end of November 1984, John Major teased Edwina ... man in her life and not, as the interviewer suggested, bastard. But many will believe revenge figures strongly in Mrs Currie's ...
It’s moments like these when life makes sense. Just being in the garden makes you feel good. I think it’s a tonic for the soul. I’ll often just go round looking at everything, my two ...
Former Prime Minister John Major today spoke of his regret after his Conservative Party colleague Edwina ... Mrs Currie's diaries containing the disclosure. "It is the one event in my life of ...
For a better experience on your device, try our mobile site. Edwina Currie is a former MP and is renowned for being an opinionated and outspoken public figure. She has since forged a career as a ...
Edwina Currie ‘s 17th century cottage in the Derbyshire Peak District is full of “little treasures” that she’s bought at ...
It's fair to say Edwina Currie has definitely added some spice to Camp life. Here's a montage of how the former Tory MP has seemingly won the votes of her fellow Campmates.
"Trees, leaves, birds... My body says have a rest". We're certainly spoiled for choice when it comes to top Edwina Currie moments. But sometimes, you don't need words when her face says it all.