AI helps scientists decode a cone snail toxin’s targets, paving the way for safer drug development and ecological research.
a highly specialized technique that is able to detect the amount of toxins present based on their mass and charge. He plans to look at preclinical models next, testing the effect of the drug in ...
Researchers have found that cone snail toxins can be a good model for AI simulations of molecular interactions.
A: Animal; ACE: Accessory cholera enterotoxin; H: Human; ZOT: Zonula occludens toxin.
Some people love to hate government regulations. Many believe they’re just bureaucratic barriers that waste our time. But the Food and Drug Administration just passed a new regulation ...
Food can be contaminated by toxic metals, pesticides and veterinary drug residues, as well as organic pollutants ... including residues of agrochemicals and natural toxins. Aside from important public ...
: Are toxic exposures linked to developmental disorders in children? Philip Landrigan, MD Dir, Children's Environmental Health Ctr. There's a great deal of research going on today looking at ...
The study, which was done in mice, focuses on a class of snake proteins called three-finger toxins (3FTx ... applications for this approach to drug development. It could be used to design ...