Narrator: Doomsday prepping isn't a new idea. In the '50s and '60s, houses were built with bunkers, and shelters started popping up during the Cold War. Today's preppers have plenty of survival ...
Fortunately for the rest of us the National Geographic Channel's hit series Doomsday Preppers returns later ... people featured in forthcoming first episode is a retired soldier who has built ...
While doomsday preppers get a bad rep, Sanchez has debunked the stereotypes. “A lot of people make prepping a political thing, or they think of a weird guy with a beard living in a hut in the ...
The "preppers" had a variety of reasons for their doomsday stashes ... he said he'd often hear them echo lines from that TV channel uttered just hours before, about how Obama was golfing too ...
A doomsday prepper who has a stash worth $400,000 ... Ms Mackenzie has also issued fresh advice to her fellow preppers to continue to stock up on essentials such as non-perishable food and ...