That said, with added awareness and a little know-how, you can take steps to reduce lawn damage and repair dead spots in your green grass. Urine burn, also known as "dog spots" or "urine spots ...
Dog urine is high in nitrogen, which can "burn" grass when concentrated in one spot.' To combat this, Allison recommends ...
If you’ve ever had a dog, you know they don’t exactly tiptoe through ... It will refresh pups as they play outdoors and, as a bonus, dilute their urine to cut down on burn spots in your grass. Yes, ...
Designing a garden for dogs means using strong grass types, avoiding toxic ... as a bonus, dilute their urine to cut down on burn spots in your grass. Yes, you’ll likely have to lower your ...
If you’ve ever had a dog, you know they don’t exactly ... as a bonus, dilute their urine to cut down on burn spots in your grass. Yes, you’ll likely have to lower your aesthetic standards ...