Doctor Who is nothing short of a British institution, not to mention a global phenomenon. Since William Hartnell portrayed ...
As progressive as Doctor Who is, it took a long time for it to employ more women behind the cameras and develop better female characters.
This story is also significant for introducing short-lived companion Katarina ... But mostly because "The Highlanders" introduces one of Doctor Who's greatest companions: Jamie McCrimmon.
Russell T Davies and David Tennant tease 'shocking' Doctor Who special 'Wild Blue Yonder' David Tennant returns to the TARDIS in new trailer for upcoming Doctor Who specials Neil Patrick Harris is ...
Doctor Who's recent bi-generation twist introduces the possibility of unresolved storylines for past companions like Leela. The short featuring Leela's return confirms that the Fourth Doctor ...
When it comes to Doctor Who Christmas specials, I'm always more forgiving of the over-the-top cheesiness than I am for the rest of the year. If you can't go all out with an in-your-face message ...
It's not exactly contentious to suggest that the Tom Baker era of Doctor Who produced some of the finest stories in the series' long run, including both the classic era (1963-89) and the revival ...
Nineteen years ago, TV magic happened: Steven Moffat wrote his first Doctor Who story for showrunner Russell T Davies — a two-part episode called “The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances.” ...