The Supreme Court held that when a property transfer involves considerations such as love and affection while the donor ...
Hearing a case, the court said the senior citizen had categorically deposed that she was completely neglected by her son ...
A quitclaim deed is a legal document that transfers a person’s interest in a property to another party. However, it does so without specifying the nature of the person's ownership or rights in ...
Unlike a Will, the Gift Deed is effective immediately on execution. In contrast the Will comes into force only on death of the testator. Both methods exist to help you pass on your assets ...
A gift deed is a legal document used to transfer ownership of a property from one person to another as a gift. Section 23 of the Maintenance and Welfare of Parents and Senior Citizens Act ...
In a landmark judgment, the Madras High Court has ruled that senior citizens are entitled to revoke gift deeds if their children fail to take care of them, even in the absence of an express condition ...
Senior citizens have the right to cancel deeds given to their relatives if care obligations are unmet, as ruled by the Madras ...