Unpopular plans to build up to six homes in Coombe Bissett will be decided by a planning inspector after the developer launched an appeal ...
Tonight will start dry with mostly cloudy skies. Towards the early hours of the morning, the cloud will gradually move westwards to leave some clearer spells by the end of the night. Monday ...
Construction of a potting shed and covered area Coombe Bissett PL/2024/09459 - Land on the South-West side of Chalk Pit Cottage, Blandford Road, Coombe Bissett, SP5 4LH Proposal: Permission in ...
These planning applications for Salisbury and south Wiltshire were received by Wiltshire council for the week ending January 5. Coombe Bissett CP PL/2024/11619 - The Manor, Barbers Lane, Homington ...
Coombe Bissett, Salisbury, SP5 5RF Proposal: Variation of condition 02 (approved plans) on 15/09456/FUL to increase number of solar panels on the roof and add additional windows Proposal ...