This procedure is in place to ensure that Purdue University is in compliance with both State and Federal regulations concerning the use and handling of controlled substances. This procedure applies to ...
document this in your controlled substances inventory as “unintentional destruction” and list the amount of controlled substance lost. Have a witness sign and date this entry, if possible. All spill ...
Chuck Schumer of New York sent a letter to DEA Administrator Anne Milgram and Attorney General Merrick Garland arguing marijuana should be dropped from the controlled-substances list and instead ...
The continued classification of marijuana as a Schedule I controlled substance is increasingly approaching absurdity in light ...
The bill would list the herbal substance known as Kratom, alongside fentanyl, as a Schedule 1 substance. The substance, which is commonly used for pain relief, provides users with opioid-like ...
The measure, which passed with bipartisan support and minor changes, now heads back to the House. It is just the second ...
By the mid-1980s, many of the designer drugs were added to the Drug Enforcement Agency's list of controlled substances. The three drugs (all regulated by the Controlled Substance Act), which serve ...
Experts say anyone who drinks water used to filter marijuana smoke will ingest ash, tar and bacteria — but won't become high.
The Federal Controlled Substances Act regulates the production, distribution, possession and use of drugs. The Act also categorizes drugs and other chemicals into five groups, or schedules, depending ...