Robert E. Lee was a central character in America's defining national trauma, the Civil War. These images explore other facets of his life, from the young boy coping with the abandonment of an ...
Metal Detecting: Scout for Civil War Camp Relics | Exploration is our mission ... J.J. McCarthy Pope not fully recovered, condition not life-threatening, doctors say US TV fans celebrate as ...
Artifacts found Metal detecting for confederate soldier civil war camps (private permission ... Toyota In Just Over 20 Years Satellite images reveal the reality of Saudi Arabia's $2 trillion ...
Spurgeon, whose great-great grandfather was in the 9th Kansas Cavalry, told the audience that he has special interest in Kansas Civil War ... to get from the camp and onto the war, but Isely ...
As bedraggled Union troops retreated to their camp along the James ... editor and publisher of Military Images Magazine, said during an episode of his "Life on the Civil War Research Trail ...
History will be alive all weekend at Scenic Vista Park in Lisbon. The Shriver Grays Civil War reenacting group is hosting a living history program at the park. The program, which opened at 4 p.m. on ...
In this blog post, Jabour explores the multitude of women who dressed as men to fight—and die—in all the major battles of the Civil War ... The conditions of camp life—most soldiers ...