The City of Chicago is requesting a 3% price reduction on all invoices sent to the city for the next twelve months off any ...
Chicago's Chief Procurement Officer, Sharla Roberts, has asked vendors to reduce their prices by 3% amid financial ...
Amid a budget crunch and uncertain economy, Chicago is asking city vendors to take a 3% haircut on their existing contracts.
Several Black aldermen and clergy members rallied ahead of the meeting to urge the council to vote down a proposal from Ald.
Developers of a tract of land on Chicago's South Side launched a Hail Mary t keep the Bears in the city, revealing plans for ...
The Chicago City Council approved a $280,000 settlement with an activist who was struck and injured by a CPD officer in 2020.
Johnson and the other mayors defended their immigration policies, saying they have an obligation to protect everyone living ...
Chicago has reached a tentative agreement to settle its legal battle against a north suburban woman, dubbed by city attorneys as the city's "worst landowner." ...
Chicago-style BBQ may not be known widely around the country, but it does have a rich history and tradition. It’s also ...
The fur ban ordinance was an effort to fight animal cruelty, but opponents say it would have closed historic Chicago ...
The order comes after a 2023 ruling in federal court that Chicago’s long-running failure to protect blind pedestrians violated the Americans With Disabilities Act and the Rehabilitation Act, following ...
The Chicago River is just hours away from turning green in celebration of St. Patrick's Day, though high winds may put a ...