Chicago police said the 32-year-old man was arguing with two other people inside an apartment that turned into a fight.
A South Side landlord is testing how buzzy Bronzeville has become by listing two apartment buildings for $225,000 per unit.
A 32-year-old man was shot and killed during an argument inside an apartment on the city’s North Side early Saturday morning.
The average monthly apartment rent across 84 buildings in downtown Chicago surpassed $3,000 for the first time, according to ...
A low-income family of four in 1950 could still afford rent and utilities for nearly half of Chicago apartments. It's a far ...
Peak Properties is taking on the management assignment for a multifamily development at 7800-10 S. Colfax in Chicago’s South ...
Plans for a new residential high-rise in Fulton Market were approved by Chicago’s planning agency Thursday, along with a ...
A mid-rise apartment community in east Atlanta has a new owner based in the Windy City. 841 Memorial in Reynoldstown was sold ...
The Jade Residences of Waterfall Glen, a 70-unit apartment complex built last year in Darien, was sold for $19 million.