The fungus continues to grow until it has circumnavigated the tree and effectively stopped the flow of nutrients. Everything above the girdled circle of fungus will die. The primary symptoms of ...
As molecular plant pathology research advances, more and more genes are being identified with a plant's ability to defend itself against disease (see Powell et al. 2006). In order to enhance ...
The concepts, techniques, and gene cassettes we develop for the American chestnut will have broad applications in managing diseases affecting other important tree species such as Dutch-elm disease and ...
Chestnut blight wipes out American chestnut trees and has no cure. Dealing with plant diseases such as tomato plant diseases can be challenging for gardeners or landscaping enthusiasts.
While many trees in the southern range were killed by Phytophthora root rot (PRR), the chestnut blight leaves roots intact, so many chestnuts have been surviving by growing back from the roots ...
Escin, derived from horse chestnut trees and isolated from traditional ... plays a role in the development of multiple chronic diseases, including diabetes. Nutraceuticals, like the anti ...
The Tree Talks Lecture Series, sponsored by the Elkins Tree Board and Kump Education Center, Elkins, continues tonight at 7 p ...
In this edition of ID That Tree, Purdue Extension forester Lenny Farlee introduces you to chestnut oak, sometimes called rock chestnut oak. It is an oak species commonly found in the southern part of ...