In 2021, a team of researchers landed on this mysterious uncharted landmass while scouring the surrounding ice for samples.
Gearing up: I’ll be photographing a team of extreme adventurers mountain biking across the frozen Arctic Ocean in Canada. I’ll be on a snowmobile, which is still hard work, so I need to get in ...
F or bears of both the market and polar kind, a planet without an ice cap is a tragedy. The Arctic is warming four times ...
The corrupt, feckless, anti-American Biden-Harris administration, with Antony Blinken front and center, has made a ... over the next two decades, the Arctic Ocean will become a more desirable ...
Political scientists note that the accession of Canada and Greenland, which have access to the Arctic Ocean basin, is part of a plan to expand the American presence in the Arctic. In this piece ...
This aligns with observations of long-term warming for Arctic surface ocean waters. Sea ice-dependent animals can also be forced ashore or into longer fasting seasons. The Arctic shipping season ...