Cat flea medicine. The pill nitenpyram (Capstar) kills adult fleas on your cat within 30 minutes. It doesn't have any lasting effects, though. Spinosad (Comfortis) is a fast-acting chewable that ...
Revolution Plus is my best overall pick for a prescription topical flea and tick treatment for cats. It also controls heartworms, roundworms, hookworms, ear mites, and tapeworms. If you're looking ...
Topical flea treatment and prevention designed just for cats Long-lasting treatment protects against fleas through 6 weeks One-size-fits-all for all cats and kittens over 1.8 lbs and 8 weeks old ...
“During an active flea infestation, comb your cat daily to remove fleas and flea dirt and to monitor the effectiveness of treatment,” Dr. Corrigan advises. “Once the infestation is ...
Remember, consistency is key! If you discover your cat has fleas, timely action with a flea bath and regular preventative ...
It’s also a medication that keeps flea eggs from hatching using hormones that are not harmful to cats. Etofenprox is the other ingredient. It is not highly toxic, but it can cause neurological ...