Covered call ETFs are appealing in volatile markets. Increased volatility usually results in higher call option premiums.
or 0.58% annualized — at Stock Options Channel we call this the YieldBoost. Below is a chart showing the trailing twelve month trading history for ICICI Bank Ltd, and highlighting in green where ...
A call option is a contract that guarantees its owner the right to buy a certain number of shares of a stock at a particular strike price on or before a specific expiration date. A call option is ...
A call option is a contract that gains value when the underlying stock rises. In the most basic sense, then, a call option is a bet that the underlying security will rise in price, enabling you to ...
One common way to help increase investment returns is to use deep in the money call options. These options have strike prices much lower than the current market price of the asset, giving them ...
The first place I would look for a clue from Tesla options is the weighted put-call ratio. That chart is shown below. There ...
However, the stock appears to be testing potential support on the charts, and you're nervous ... you won't realize any gains on your protective call option. That's because you're a short seller ...
or 12.17% annualized — at Stock Options Channel we call this the YieldBoost. Below is a chart showing the trailing twelve month trading history for Okta Inc, and highlighting in green where the ...