Troopers of the 1st Squadron, 9th Cavalry, departed their encampment in Monterey, California, for five months of field duty. It was ...
Meet America’s Buffalo Soldiers—some of the nation’s first park rangers. On a clear fall day in California in 1903, a group of soldiers and civilians, both African American and Caucasian, gathered in ...
They were protecting Sequoia National Park ... For Johnson, the most important thing now is sharing the story of the Buffalo Soldiers. “Stories, once they’re being told, literally are alive.
Alamy Stock Photo Buffalo Soldiers built a wagon road into the Giant Forest which eventually became Generals Highway through the Sequoia National Forest in California. Photograph by Martyn Goddard ...
Young distinguished himself as a soldier in the Ninth U.S. Cavalry, one of the black troops known as the Buffalo Soldiers that served ... American acting national park superintendent at Sequoia and ...
They were sent to Sequoia and General Grant National Parks ... Under Acting Superintendent Young's leadership, the Buffalo Soldiers kept the park free from poachers, and from the ranchers whose ...
He also served as the first Black superintendent of Sequoia National Park and reached ... among them the 2013 creation of the Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers National Monument in Ohio by then ...