Why would she want to do that? No, that's not the point. What she's doing here, every day, is leveling a racial attack, a blood libel against an entire group of Americans while simultaneously ...
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Thursday accused the “left and the media” of pushing a “blood libel” against his wife Sara following TV allegations that she led efforts to intimidate ...
Local Jews in Norwich are considering leasing Jurnet’s House, built by a Jewish moneylender in the 12th century, for the new institution. (JTA) — When the mayor of the British city of Norwich ...
However, just a few weeks before this strange and false homage, in a more severe expression, you echoed the new blood libel, insinuating that the State of Israel "might be" committing genocide in ...
Law and Literature, Vol. 28, No. 1, Special Issue: A Thousand Years of Infamy: The History of the Blood Libel (SPRING 2016), pp. 11-26 (16 pages) The blood libel is sometimes described as a ...
Member of U.S.-designated terrorist group will speak on ‘arrest, detention, and torture in the Israeli military ...
The charge of apartheid is the new blood libel. As Hamas rains rockets down on Israel, members of the Squad in Congress and other left-wing enemies are using the occasion to amplify their ...