Countless different characters, all remarkably powerful in their own right, participated in the fierce showdown between Quincy and Shinigami. Given the sheer size of Bleach TYBW's cast ...
Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War's anime is faithful to the manga, but it still made a lot of changes to the original story.
The finale of BLEACH: TYBW Part 3 saw the return of various characters, including someone who died early on in the Quincy invasion: Izuru Kira. Part four: The Calamity will be, by all accounts ...
New anime original content in Bleach part 4 may include Hisagi's Bankai ... and Bankais not present in the original manga, giving characters more depth. With the anime drawing from a light novel ...
Bleach has been consistent with the release dates since the studio started adapting TYBW Arc, so there’s a higher chance it will be released this year. Part 3 ends around Chapter 656 of the ...