Jemison’s historic spaceflight shattered barriers for Black women and other BIPOC individuals. She continues to be a role ...
As Black women have been sporting protective styles for decades, new revelations may highlight that they do more harm than looking good. Scientists tested 10 popular synthetic braiding hair products ...
Happy Pi Day! Cheers to black female mathematicians. Today, March 14 (3/14), marks the annual celebration because the date ...
Researchers are now including more people with African ancestry in genomic studies and have identified more variants that could impact breast cancer survivorship in Black women. And scientists are ...
South Africa's first black female nuclear scientist, Senamile Masango, a trailblazer who set out to inspire young women, has died aged 37, the government has confirmed. Ms Masango, dubbed "the ...
French doctor and researcher Marthe Gautier, who died last weekend, was one of a long line of female scientists who greatly contributed to scientific discovery only to see the credit go to their ...