Getting the best speeds isn't as simple as using one of the best web hosting providers. It's also got something to do with your ISP. You're automatically assigned a DNS server by your ISP every ...
Whenever you go online, your ISP or Internet Service Provider assigns you a DNS server, but it is not always the best choice of DNS. The DNS that you are assigned could be slow, resulting in ...
Just download DNS Benchmark, launch it (no installation ... 5,000 publicly available DNS servers in the world and find the best 50 for your connection. This will take longer, of course.
you might want to try out different DNS servers to find out which one is the best for you. For this reason, in this article, we have discussed the 7 best DNS gaming servers that you can use.
DNS is at the heart of every internet connection request, which makes securing it crucial to stronger user security. Download ...
We list the best free and public DNS servers, to make it simple and easy to speed up and secure your online browsing, by ...