Now their verdict is being turned into reality underneath the glass dome of Berlin's landmark Reichstag building. Workers on Wednesday rearranged the blue seats in the chamber of the lower house ...
German voters have had their say. Now their verdict is being turned into reality underneath the glass dome of Berlin's landmark Reichstag building. Workers on Wednesday rearranged the blue seats ...
The dome of Reichstag is open daily from 8 a.m. to midnight, with the last admission at 9:45 p.m. The building is accessible via the No. 100 bus and Berlin's main rail station, Hauptbahnhof.
Der Rasen vor dem Reichstag hat bei der EM gelitten ... 2024 hat Spuren auf den Rasenflächen im Regierungsviertel in Berlin hinterlassen. Nun hat das Bezirksamt Mitte auf eine Grünen-Anfrage ...
The Reichstag is the “symbolic centre of our ... Police said some 38,000 people, double the number expected, had gathered in Berlin on Saturday to protest restrictions imposed to curb the ...
Berlin (dpa/bb) - Für die schon länger angekündigte ... Geplant ist die Menschenkette aus Demonstranten um den Reichstag am Mittag unter dem Motto "Wir sind die Brandmauer".
the Reichstag, Bellevue Palace Congress Hall, the Chancellor's Office, the remnants of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet War Memorial. You will discover gardens, ponds and even the zoo on this jaunt.
Vertreter von SPD und Union treffen sich in Berlin zum dritten Tag der Sondierungen. Umweltaktivisten setzen am Reichstag ein brennendes Zeichen. Berlin (dpa/bb) - Greenpeace-Aktivisten haben ...
Adjacent to the Brandenburg Gate, the Reichstag Building is a government ... who lived in East Germany before the fall of the ...