These short films are suitable for teaching history at KS2 in England ... A collection of video and audio clips from the BBC archive, including news reports on the blitz and popular songs of ...
BBC Bitesize has games suitable for early years, key stage 1 (KS1) and key stage 2 (KS2) in England and Wales, or nursery and primary levels in Scotland and Northern Ireland. Discover popular ...
They created a machine, the British Bombe, which could read secret Enigma coded messages used by the enemy in World War II. Image caption ... code and coding with BBC Bitesize and the BBC micro ...
Finding sounds to make music Here are some more ideas from BBC Bitesize and Teach on creating music with found sounds. Stay active with Manchester United's mascot, Fred the Red who has a song and ...
Head over to BBC Teach to explore some famous paintings or be inspired to create your own arts and craft projects. You can also work to save the art gallery in BBC Bitesize's Art Gallery Rescue.
To celebrate the day, here are some fun and useful activities from BBC Bitesize to encourage a love of reading and build on writing skills.
Are you in year 6 and studying for your KS2 SATs papers? We've got you! Use this page to find videos, activities, quizzes and games from BBC Bitesize to give you the chance to refresh your ...