Wiggling your ears could be more than just a cool party trick, and could be used to help people recover from strokes and ...
Medically reviewed by Cara Beth Lee, MD Ear seeds are used as a part of auricular acupressure, a form of traditional Chinese ...
Ear acupuncture has been proven to activate the VN. In He, et al.’s research, 8 they found that auricular acupuncture ...
A “useless” muscle that allows some people to wiggle their ears actually activates when we strain to hear something. Our ape ancestors lost the ability to pivot their ears when they diverged ...
Similar to cranioelectrical stimulation, trans auricular vagus nerve stimulation shows dramatic potential to treat many brain ...
They found that when people focus on difficult listening tasks, the auricular muscles show electrical activity, similar to ear movements in other species that indicate attentiveness. The study ...
This is one of the jelly fungi, Auricularia auricula-judae, which is now translated to the politically correct wood ear. It ...
Can you wiggle your ears? Apparently around 15 percent of the population can consciously move their ears up and down. Now, ...