Early Greeks saw ammonites as sacred symbols associated with the horned god, Jupiter Ammon. 'They called them Cornu Ammonis (horns of Ammon), from which the scientific name "ammonite" is derived,' ...
Ammonite and Moabite religion were both polytheistic with a variety of gods and goddesses worshipped. The images on stamp ...
Based on the fossil record, ammonites came in a wide range of sizes and shapes, from smaller than an inch to as large as nine feet wide. Some ammonites had long, straight shells, while others had ...
Ammonites were shelled cephalopods that died out about 66 million years ago. Fossils of them are found all around the world, sometimes in very large concentrations. The often tightly wound shells of ...
Koichi Fukuoka’s career as a copperplate engraver took an unexpected turn after he encountered fossils of ammonites, a spiral-shelled creature that lived in the age of the dinosaurs. The artist ...