Harvesting at the bud stage has allowed producers to get more ... However, during extended periods of dry weather alfalfa growth is reduced and flowering may occur on short, stunted plants.
AGRICULTURAL AND FARM NEWS PEAQ Stick measuring and scissors-cut sampling will take place in the region to help alfalfa producer’s gauge cutting first crop alfalfa. According to Dan Martens, ...
University of Minnesota Extension During the 2006 dry spell, Peter Jeranyama, South Dakota state forage specialist, described the affects of drought on alfalfa this way: Alfalfa can go dormant ...
Like most plants, corn growth progresses through three main phases: germination, vegetative, and reproductive stages. During germination, seeds break dormancy when soil temperatures exceed 50°F. They ...
The stage distribution influences the population growth rate and varies through time ... Imagine some adult aphids disperse to an alfalfa field in the spring (Figure 1). Initially the population ...