The world around us is constantly changing, and with these changes come questions that challenge our understanding of life on ...
Our planet’s first known mass extinction happened about 440 million years ago. Species diversity on Earth had been increasing ...
The human race stands at a critical juncture, where its unchecked expansion and relentless exploitation of the natural world ...
The near-extinction of India’s vultures due to diclofenac poisoning triggered an ecological and public health crisis. As ...
Fossils from China’s Turpan-Hami Basin reveal it was a rare land refuge during the end-Permian extinction, with fast ...
It is widely accepted that we are currently witnessing the start of a sixth mass extinction. Humans are dramatic ecosystem engineers – irrevocably altering environments and habitats. Past ...
At least two mass extinction events in Earth's history were likely caused by the 'devastating' effects of nearby supernova explosions, a new study suggests. Researchers say these super-powerful blasts ...
let alone an extinction caused by humans. Most people presumed God could create animals at will. After the dodos vanished, many thought that their disappearance was a divine message aimed at humans.
Human activity—causing land use change, global warming, and pollution—are driving heightened extinction rates and population declines across many taxa. Some scientists argue we’re currently facing a ...