Council Speaker Adrienne Adams generated $128,000 in donations from supporters during the first week of her mayoral campaign ...
Mayor Adams on Monday didn’t rule out running as an independent in November’s general election should he lose this summer’s ...
The mayoral campaigns of Andrew M. Cuomo and state Sen . Zohran Mamdani have raised millions of dollars in total.
New York City Mayor Eric Adams named an interim first deputy mayor nearly a month after four of his top staff members ...
New York City is falling well short of Mayor Eric Adams' campaign promise to build hundreds of miles of new bike lanes, as ...
NYC marks Mental Health Week with a year of Behavioral Health Blueprint progress, backed by an additional $33 million in ...
New York City Mayor Eric Adams did not rule out an independent run at reelection. The mayor’s comments came during his weekly ...
Mayor Adams appointed four new deputy mayors on Friday to replace aides who submitted their resignations last month due to ...
Mayor Adams believes that New York City can still fight crime while being a sanctuary for immigration. Peter ...
In the weeks before the presidential inauguration, Mayor Eric Adams of New York cozied up to President Trump, his political allies and his family.Credit...Eric Lee/The New York Times Mayor Eric ...
Despite normally being a big draw for politicians -- especially in a campaign year -- some notable contenders were missing ...
"The Court should dismiss the indictment with prejudice," the adviser said in the one-line conclusion of his 33-page brief.