I wish to go to crocodile island and puka beach. Is it random?? Also i will stay at ALTA VISTA DE BORCAY . It is far fron central place . Is it also include pick up?
Hi! Going to Puka island is a norm. As for Crocodile island, I believed most people just took a boat tour to go around the island. Nevertheless you can check the info when you …
Hi! Going to Puka island is a norm. As for Crocodile island, I believed most people just took a boat tour to go around the island. Nevertheless you can check the info when you reach Boracay. Centralized location, usually people will take D'mall as the main location to navigate around. Me as a tourist, I did the same thing and for myself anything that is more than 10mins walk from D'mall, I will consider as far. The second reason why I said that it is far is because Boracay island is relatively small. Nevertheless you can commute from your hotel conveniently to the D'mall (where all happenings things took place) via a tuk-tuk (similar to Thailand) or tri-cycle bike at a very reasonable rate around 100-200 peso. Happy holiday!
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